The Struggle…

You struggle. Each day, every day. With people around you, near and dear to you.
The struggle is about everyday and everything.
The struggle is about basic little things like having to justify liking a cup of coffee because?
The struggle is to whether or not stay hidden in a cocoon.
The struggle is about letting you be.
The struggle is about liking your loneliness.
The struggle the about breaking free.
The struggle is whether or not to accept the freedom.
The struggle is about understanding what freedom really means.
The struggle is about proving yourself that you are worth it.
The struggle is to prove that you belong.
The struggle is about existing.
The struggle is to prove your existence.
The struggle is about proving to the world that you mean something.
The struggle is about your relevance. Mostly to yourself.
The struggle is real.
The struggle is meaningless.
The struggle is inside you.
The struggle is by you, for you.
Stop the struggle, to breathe and to live.

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf…!

Because breaking is easier than holding on…

Breaking that something is always so easy. We humans are, in general, very destructive in nature. Hence, instead of being a little patient and giving things some time, we choose to walk out of pesky situations. Even if we become a little unconformable or if things become a little inconvenient for us, instead of adjusting we choose to look for better options. But we fail to understand that a “better option” can always make an other option look better.

Is it really that difficult to digest happiness or make peace with reality? How much does a person really need to lead a happy life? Relationships are nowadays being treated in a very casual and horrific way. We have no respect for each other, their feelings, no consideration for age or experience. We find it very easy to just let go. Without thinking of the consequences, we tend to take random decisions and choose the easier way out. We just cannot be satisfied.

As we grow and move towards development, it seems as if our mental development and sustainability is deteriorating day by day. We lack even the basics of humanity let alone our conscience. We are far from being humans. As an Indian, our ancestors were very proud of the culture, the “sanskar” and all those teachings that they gave the following generation. The perfect medium through which they made sure things happened was fear. If a kid won’t sleep, they would scare them with some imaginary ghost; if a girl is menstruating she cannot visit holy places as it disgraces our gods and something bad will happen if she does visit; we have to follow “shravan” cuz we need to please our gods and so on. Everything comes down to fear. The point is, there is no wholeheartedness in what we do. We do things just for the sake of doing, irrespective of our basic behavior.


Then enters westernization and urbanization which we Indians royally blame. Why? Because it’s easy to blame and we just love the blame game. Because more and more people started following the so called western culture and this lead to our so called Indian culture to be disgraced. The purity and simplicity in the Indian culture has been taken away by us Indians only. Instead of levying things on people, we need to try and make them accept things with logic.

Has urbanization really led people to being disrespectful, inconsiderate, carefree, and just plain stupid? In disguise of westernization and in the flow of following the western culture blindly, we have lost ourselves somewhere. It’s good to improvise and bring new changes. But the things that you pick up from the outside world need not be something stupid. Why not pick up the best from what others do instead of following everything blindly? The westerners have picked up everything good from us like yoga, work culture, meditation and even family life for that matter. And we are doing the exact opposite. We are more interested in breaking our families in the name of independence. What we really are? We are mere hypocrites.

We blame men for playing double standards and being perverts. But in today’s world, women are no different. Rather, with just the insensible shield of the law and freedom, women are taking undue advantages of the situation and making men suffer. Well, if the man is really pathetic and deserves to be punished, you have the law to back you. But why on earth would you spoil a man’s life just because you are in the mood to play? Doesn’t your conscious kill you down there? A woman is equally responsible for her suffering. If a man is wrong, walk out instead of suffering. If he’s not wrong, spend a happy life with him instead of banging your foot on an axe!

Relations are very delicate. Even a little bit of negativity and you just cannot get back to normal. It’s a gamble nowadays. You just can’t be sure of a person and say confidently that this person will never walk away. Divorce has become a piece of cake. Yes, it is very easy to walk out and give up. But how about you try and make things work for a change? You walk out of a relationship to be with someone else. What makes you so sure that the person you are with will never do the same what you did to the other person? If you walk out for the sake of monitory benefits, how long is that money going to keep you safe? Walking away for your career, who will you celebrate your success with? Marilyn Monroe once said, “A career is wonderful, but you can’t curl up with it on a cold night.”

You need real people to live your life with. Put in that extra effort to make things work for that effort will make sure you fall short of a regret. Think rationally. Be selfish in a different way for a change. Not everyone is blessed with happiness.

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf…!