The Struggle…

You struggle. Each day, every day. With people around you, near and dear to you.
The struggle is about everyday and everything.
The struggle is about basic little things like having to justify liking a cup of coffee because?
The struggle is to whether or not stay hidden in a cocoon.
The struggle is about letting you be.
The struggle is about liking your loneliness.
The struggle the about breaking free.
The struggle is whether or not to accept the freedom.
The struggle is about understanding what freedom really means.
The struggle is about proving yourself that you are worth it.
The struggle is to prove that you belong.
The struggle is about existing.
The struggle is to prove your existence.
The struggle is about proving to the world that you mean something.
The struggle is about your relevance. Mostly to yourself.
The struggle is real.
The struggle is meaningless.
The struggle is inside you.
The struggle is by you, for you.
Stop the struggle, to breathe and to live.

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf…!

Adjusting To The Changing Elements…

You have different people in your life playing different roles. They have their roles to play. Some with the lead roles with you, stay longer or sometimes till the end, and some simply play a supporting role. These roles are determined by your actions and their purpose. They play, they leave. You don’t want to be like the stage on which they are performing. But as a lead, you are always there and move on with your life once that play is over. We are all actors and have to be the best performers in order to stay on top.

But every actor has a phase and once that is over, you are left with just yourself and your life. Very rarely does an actor have a life like Amitabh Bachchan or Jackie Chan. And yet, you have to keep performing, whether anyone’s watching you or not.


Like I mentioned earlier, people perform and people leave. This is something which is difficult to digest by most of us. Of course, it’s not easy to adjust to something you are used to for a couple of weeks, months or even years for that matter. The most hateful part of our lives is adjustment. We all have hated adjusting to something, or accepting the fact that we are not going to get something which we really, really want at that moment. We learn this first during our childhood, when our parents teach us to adjust when we change our school or go to live in a new place. Then we go to college make new friends and when finally we start to work and settle down, there is a complete different set of people around us.

Weird, isn’t it? How we transition from our childhood friends, to school friends, to college friends and then finally work colleagues who turn out to be your good friends. After all this, when you start a family, it’s a different scenario altogether. In between all these years, you also tend to meet many random people who sometimes may stick around for long. Not necessary, that you give up on either of these batches. Some people tend to last long with their childhood friends, some with their school friends, some with colleagues and some with the random bunch. But no matter what, you will always have a set of people around you.

Your life goes through a lot of ups and downs, and with these even the people in it face the same. Once they are shuffled, the ones who try and get back to their original position, depending upon how much you matter to them, win the “Forever” tag in your life. The others are left where they were shuffled to and slowly tend to leave your circle. You need not be mean or disappointed with this fact, as you follow the same pattern in others’ life. You cannot blame people for this. It’s just how life works.

Life is meant to keep changing and along with it, the elements in it. So there’s really no point on crying over or being disappointed upon things which not in your control. You just play the game and learn to adjust. Have you heard of anyone who has attempted suicide because of losing one’s parents? No, because you have accepted the fact that it is going to happen some day or other. So you live with it. The same should be the case with everything and everyone else. No one comes with a warranty card in their hands. They just come, play their part and move on. You take all you have to take from them (immaterial), and learn to let them go. If they still have a role, they’ll come back. Oh and once they do, don’t start yelling at them for vanishing, even they have just got to know about the extended role. Sometimes a character dies in a part and the same person comes out in a different avatar. Similarly, your relations with some people in your life might change, but that doesn’t mean their role is redundant or not important. You just need to adjust and live with the fact that they still exist in your lives. As a matter of fact, every character stays till the end. Some in the form of memories.

It’s just best to embrace some hard facts in life and stop being in denial. No one said life was going to be easy.

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf…!