Negativity is overrated…

Life never said it was easy. People just assume that it was supposed to be. Cribbing is fun and helpful if it’s temporary and you know that you are doing it just to vent out. It’s no more fun when it’s the real deal and you are going on and on about it. Sometimes, we just have to let things go.

Let things go. As difficult in real life as easy it is to say out loud. Something like easier said than done? Ya, that. However, there are ways to ‘let things go’. Like, stop reacting. Instead of making it a big deal, which it already is for a fact, just stop announcing it or saying things like ‘it’s just a bad day’. Saying things out loud some times starts to make us believe in them. I don’t know how many of you have read the ‘Power of your subconscious mind’ or the ‘Power of positive thinking’. And however ridiculous or surreal it may sound, but believe me, that shit really works.

Sometimes life is just mean for no reason. Whatever you want, how much ever you try, things just won’t work how you want them to. But you can’t help it, can you? At such times, patience is the key. Try to not let things affect you. First step is to not think about the bad/sad things that you are going through. You might just be in a new phase of life and things must just be taking its own sweet time to settle in. You know, similar to the situation when you have a new wallet and you suddenly seem to be losing all the money and no savings happen? Well, you just wait for some time for your wallet to get adjusted to you, and then, suddenly you realize that it’s saving for you. Has something like that happened to you? Or maybe it’s just me. Or maybe this is just a bad example. What I really mean is, it’s OK to have a bad day. Just like you take time to adjust to things – good or bad – things take time to get used to you.

Sometimes it’s just smart to not think about things. Especially, the bad ones that you are undergoing. It maybe just your life adjusting to the new systems it has placed. Instead, focus on what you are learning through the bad phase. If nothing, you’ll have a better patience threshold.

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf…!

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