Negativity is overrated…

Life never said it was easy. People just assume that it was supposed to be. Cribbing is fun and helpful if it’s temporary and you know that you are doing it just to vent out. It’s no more fun when it’s the real deal and you are going on and on about it. Sometimes, we just have to let things go.

Let things go. As difficult in real life as easy it is to say out loud. Something like easier said than done? Ya, that. However, there are ways to ‘let things go’. Like, stop reacting. Instead of making it a big deal, which it already is for a fact, just stop announcing it or saying things like ‘it’s just a bad day’. Saying things out loud some times starts to make us believe in them. I don’t know how many of you have read the ‘Power of your subconscious mind’ or the ‘Power of positive thinking’. And however ridiculous or surreal it may sound, but believe me, that shit really works.

Sometimes life is just mean for no reason. Whatever you want, how much ever you try, things just won’t work how you want them to. But you can’t help it, can you? At such times, patience is the key. Try to not let things affect you. First step is to not think about the bad/sad things that you are going through. You might just be in a new phase of life and things must just be taking its own sweet time to settle in. You know, similar to the situation when you have a new wallet and you suddenly seem to be losing all the money and no savings happen? Well, you just wait for some time for your wallet to get adjusted to you, and then, suddenly you realize that it’s saving for you. Has something like that happened to you? Or maybe it’s just me. Or maybe this is just a bad example. What I really mean is, it’s OK to have a bad day. Just like you take time to adjust to things – good or bad – things take time to get used to you.

Sometimes it’s just smart to not think about things. Especially, the bad ones that you are undergoing. It maybe just your life adjusting to the new systems it has placed. Instead, focus on what you are learning through the bad phase. If nothing, you’ll have a better patience threshold.

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf…!

Break The Code…

Life teaches us a lot of things. Some we ignore, some we follow and some we learn over time. We make mistakes, learn from them, sometimes even repeat them. But no matter what, there are always challenges. Life tests you and keeps testing you throughout. If you clear them, you get rewarded with good times. The span of these “good times” depends on how well you clear the tests. If you fail, well, you just have to keep trying till you succeed. It’s pretty much a simple equation. Get problems, solve them. Once you ace them, get tougher ones.

Basically, all the questions are the same, just the difference being the difficulty level of each question is higher than the previous one. I know it’s pretty easy to say all this than live it. But this is what everyone goes through right? Life doesn’t follow favoritism. It is completely unbiased and practical. No it’s not cruel or a bitch. Imagine a robot or a machine. It does what it is programmed to do. No matter what happens, it will follow it set commands unless someone tweaks them. The programmer of life is..err..a little too unapproachable. So tweaking those commands is a little difficult.

So, instead we can blend in the with fact and try figuring out how to work our ways with a few prefetch and temporary files. Ok never mind that. But we shouldn’t be behaving like robots programmed to follow a set command. That’s not what I mean. The whole point is to work out each path looking forward to the challenge. It’s like maths, solve an equation go ahead with another one. No it isn’t that boring practically and we all have experienced that. But think about it. It would be so much better than just crying over it. You know you are not going to solve things in one go, you know you are going to commit mistakes, you know you are going to fall and hence you’ll be ready.

We never know what’s going to hit us next. Nor do we know in what way. But we can keep all the possibilities open and when something strikes, we can head with a practical, open mind which is without fear and anxiety. The last thing you would want to do would be, to give up. Take help, gather support. There are other sailing in the same ship, or some who have already walked the length. There would also be few of those notorious idiots, who say they know nothing, but pass first class in each subject. Ignore them.

Life is a huge puzzle which no one has ever been able to solve. But we need to keep trying. Well, who knows, you could actually be the one to break the code.

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf…!

Justifying Your Cries…

All you want in your life is to be secure. Until that is achieved, you are all content and satisfied, even happy for that matter. Once you sense that trailing away you tend to feel insecure and eventually become upset and sad. We have a lot of expectations up and running all the time and most often we tend to forget to put a cap on them. If a person we like doesn’t behave the way they usually do we sense something wrong and keep sulking in and become insecure. Similarly, when a person we don’t like starts behaving in a likable manner, we tend to get protective and slip inside our cocoon with just our eyes on the outside, in sight. These feelings, we share them with our closest people to get some strength and support in order to face the situation.

Sometimes this protection and insecurity gets over the top and we start crying and cribbing about our “situations” to whoever would listen to. The ears on which our problems fall, don’t always want them. Even if they are open, their reasons may differ, which are not always in our favor. Some people do genuinely listen to you but how many times? If you keep the record on and let go the same one on and on for a long span of time, they are definitely going to get bored and annoyed of saying and giving the same suggestions to you over and over again. Keep yourself in their position and think. Why make people feel that you are suffering from PMS all your life? You really cannot keep crying and cribbing all your life about that one thing that happened once upon a time. Trust me, there are people who go through worse and still are capable of sporting a smile all the time as if nothing happened.


Once you get habituated to this crying, it gets worse and you enter into a self-pity mode and keep asking yourself and others “Why me??”. Please understand that it is definitely not just you. You need to keep your eyes open for things happen around you. Robert Fulham said, “If you break your neck, if you don’t have anything to eat or if your house is on fire, then you have a problem. Else everything else is inconvenience.” Things are pretty easy to cry on and really, really difficult to deal with practically. Once in life, try solving one of your problems without breaking down and crying over it. Trust me, you would never have felt any stronger in your whole life. You’ll have your time of breaking down and crying your heart out once you solve the problem. But you know what? Once you solve the problem you will realize that not crying over the issue and solving it with a strong heart is the best that you did and instead you will have a bright, genuine smile on your face.

Is it too difficult? Yes it is. Changing mindsets has never been easy and more than just being strong, that’s what you got to do here. But think about the bright side. Once you learn this you will never need some random shoulder to cry on which would nay try and take advantage. And why cry when you can actually be happy? You live your life in search of happiness right? Nothing ever is more important than your own happiness. People look out for themselves, you should too. “By being sad and upset all the time, you upset the people in your life who actually care for you and are concerned about your happiness” these were some words tried over me and they worked. Things which make you upset, ever wondered if they are even worth it? Try going through your so called problems which you sulk on and reason with yourself if they are really worth your time, energy and others’ efforts of trying and filling up your brain with sanity for the hundredth time. Once you get your answers, you will either stay happy forever or, well, nevermind.

Cheers to you, cheers to lyf…!